Bad Marienberg
-ovdje možete pročitati kako su učenici proveli vrijeme u Bad Marienbergu
Dear Diary,
SUNDAY, 31 October 2010
We all met at 4.30am and our trip To Bad Marienberg started. At about 6am we came to Maribor, met the Slovenian delegation and our adventure started. We travelled for about 14 hours, and at 6.30pm we finally reached our destination. JOur dinner was ready, so before we went to our rooms, we had had something to eat.
MONDAY, 1 November 2010
7.30am – time to get up, get ready for a new day;
8.00am – BREAKFAST! J;
9am – Meeting at Europa Haus, morning energizers (the game with a duck family), introduction to all the participants via a name and birthday game (we had to make a circle, but in alphabetical order of our names; after that we had to find people with birthday in the same month as and make a circle again, but this time without talking to each other J)
After that we sat in two circles and had (so called) Tweetdating. In that game we met SOME of the people, talked with them about our country, interests, likes, dislikes etc. The kissing game began, too. Its main objective was to kill all of the victims with a kiss on a cheek JWe had written our names on a piece of paper, put it in a bag, took a newpiece of paper, and the person whose name was written there, was our new victim. When you killed that person, he/she had to give us their victims. JAlso, Bob came to our group. He was one cute rock who likes NOs. When you say NO, you get Bob J” He has to be with you wherever you go”, Anselm & Karsten said – even in the shower :D We were warned that the owner of Bob will be punished on Friday.
Most of the afternoon we were in international groups playing a City Cashing game.The goal was to find all the stashes with some hints we got on at the beginning (envelopes with different tasks, eg. crosswords about European Union, recognizing different politicians, writing a story… ).
Monday evening was reserved for Country Market. Everyone had to present their country with typical products from it. It was interesting to try indigenous food from Czech Rep., Slovenia, Germany, Lithuania & Spain. Some of them showed us their typical dances (Lithuania had an interesting one, and the Spaniards showed that they are not that good in Macarena)
TUESDAY, 2 November 2010
It was time to get to know all of the Web 2.0 applications (Twitter, Facebook, Blogs, Wikipedia, Wikileaks, 4chan, Prezi) and their history. Again, we were divided in small international groups, got our tasks and worked hard JI have to tell you that our leaders (Anselm, Maria, Johannes and Karsten) are really imaginative because of the way they divided us into to those groups.We worked on our presentations until lunch time (12.30pm). After lunch break it was time for a language course. It was our day , because Croatia and Lithuania werethe bravest ones JThere were some problems (I had to read a word in Croatian and they had to guess what it means , but I translated some immediately) . In the afternoon, our presentations had to be presented to others :) It took us the whole afternoon.
WEDNESDAY, 3 November 2010
After breakfast, we had a morning energizer again. It was a game called scissors, paper, stone (scissors cut paper, paper wraps stone, stone breaks scissors). After that we had a seminar with Stefan Friemel from Koblenz, he told us some more facts about Web 2.0. We had to decide about what Web 2.0 problems we will talk, so we were divided in groups J
The second part of language courses was after lunch, it was time for Slovenia & Germany. The German delegation had ‘Obstsalat’ game J
After Stefan left it was time to choose our biggest project for Friday. Unfortunately, most of the groups weren’t international.
THURSDAY, 4 November 2010
We went to Mainz. Right after we arrived to the city we went straight to the Haus am Dom. The presentation itself was well designed, but maybe a bit boring and the woman wasn’t well prepared and her main problem was that there was no microphone and some of us didn´t hear well. After the presentation we had some free time. Most people went to eat in McDonalds and do some shopping after that. When we returned to Bad Marienberg, we had to do that day’s evaluations.
FRIDAY, 5 November 2010
Last day LWe had to finish our presentations . After lunch and before those presentation the last delegations had to present us their languages (Spain & Czech Republic). Those who didn’t manage to finish their presentations had 10 more minutes. There was not enough time so we had to finish after dinner. Unfortunately, we couldn’t have our final party in our Party room because of some older people who came to Europa Haus for their seminars.
SATURDAY, 6 November 2010
We had to wake up earlier because it was time to leave. Even breakfast was at 7am, not at 8am like before. Trip back home took us 12 hours, so we came home at 9pm. Bye, bye, Bad Marienberg; hello, Krapina High School!
Sonja, 4A
Vrijeme provedeno u Bad Marienbergu..
Putovanje je započelo u ranim jutarnjim satima, 31-og listopada. Ništa zanimljivog se nije dogodilo prvog dana. Većinu vremena smo sjedili ili spavali u autobusu. Putovanje je trajalo oko 14 sati. Stigavši u Bad Marienberg, brzo smo raspakirali kovčege, večerali i otišli na spavanje kako bi naša nova pustolovina čim prije započela.
Buđenje je bilo mrsko, ali nakon osvježenja i početka upoznavanja sa našim novim prijateljima, zaboravili bi na taj mrski dio. Prvi dan smo prezentirali vlastite države ; neki su to napravili veoma profesionalno, a neki na zabavan način. Prvih nekoliko dana proveli smo upoznavajući se međusobno, istraživajući međusobne interese i igrajući zanimljive igre kao što su to 'Kamen, škare, papir' i mnoge druge. Također, jedna od zanimljivijih igara je bila igra koju su osmislili Anselm i Karsten. Svaki od nas izvukao je papir s imenom, i ta osoba koja je navedena na papiru, bila je naša 'žrtva' koju bismo ubili sa poljupcem u obraz.
Nakon tih prvih utisaka, nastavili smo pravim radnim tempom. Naravno, profesorice su bile uvijek tu za nas. Ukoliko smo imali pitanja ili nam nešto nije bilo jasno, one bi uskočile i razjasnile to. Svaki dan nove radionice, novi ljudi.. Predzadnji dan u Bad Marienbergu proveli smo u Mainzu. Predavanje o Društvenim mrežama uistinu je ostavilo velik dojam na svima nama. Nakon tog predavanja bili smo slobodni. Neki su to vrijeme iskoristili za šoping (uistinu preporučam ;) ) ,a neki na razgledavanje grada.
Povratak u Europsku kuću označio je ponovni početak rada u internacionalnim grupama i naposljetku prezentiranja svega što smo onaj dan napravili i naučili. Zadnji dan tamo, proveli smo radeći u mnoštvu manjih grupa o društvenim mrežama. A nakon napornog rada,valja se i zabaviti! Stoga smo organizirali veliki parti koji je uključivao sve delegacije. Bilo je zabavno. Dan po dan, približavao se i povratak kući.
Iako smo pomisao na povratak kući odgađali, u subotu smo itekako bili svjesni toga da se vraćamo u Hrvatsku. Mislim, nije loše doma. Ali u Bad Marienbergu smo upoznali toliko novih, mladih, pametnih i dobrih prijatelja da nam je bilo teško odvojiti se od te nove obitelji koju smo sami stvorili. Ukratko, odličan tjedan uz odličnu radnu atmosferu.
Samanta, 4A
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